
Our wallet builder supports 10+ blockchains, 10000+ DApps

Check IconMulti-chain & Multi-wallet
Check IconConnect to DApps with Wallet Connect
Check IconLogin with phone or email
Check IconUser-friendly and interesting
Check IconPush notifications to your users
Easily build a personalized wallet for your enterprise
Our wallet builder enables seamless creation of personalized wallets specifically tailored to your enterprise. You can easily customize various elements such as branding, design, and functionality, allowing you to showcase your unique identity and meet the specific needs of your users.
No coding required, thanks to our user-friendly editing interface
Say goodbye to complex coding processes. Our wallet builder simplifies the wallet creation process by providing a user-friendly editing interface. You can make desired changes and modifications without the need for coding skills, saving time and resources while still achieving a professional and customized wallet solution.
Establish a strong connection between your business and user members
With our wallet builder, you can foster a strong and meaningful relationship between your business and your users. By providing them with a personalized wallet experience, you can enhance brand recognition, establish trust, and strengthen user loyalty. The wallet becomes a direct touchpoint for users to engage with your business and its offerings.
Applicable for both mobile platforms and Chrome browser extensions
Our wallet builder caters to various user preferences and device compatibility. Whether your users prefer mobile platforms or desktop browsers, our service ensures a seamless experience across both environments. Your enterprise can reach and engage with users on multiple platforms, maximizing convenience and accessibility.
Using KryptoGO Studio to browse user data
When using Web 360: KryptoGO Web3 User Insights, you can browse user app behavior and on-chain data. This will help you to better understand how users are using your application and interacting with the blockchain. Additionally, KryptoGO Studio offers other features, such as exporting data for reporting, for more in-depth analysis and evaluation. These tools enable you to better understand your users and make informed business decisions.

Core Features of the Blockchain Wallet

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Transaction HistoryProvides detailed records of cryptocurrency transactions, allowing users to track their crypto assets' transaction history.

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Key ManagementSafely manages the private keys of the cryptocurrency wallet, ensuring the security of user assets.

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Interoperability Across BlockchainsSupports interoperability between different blockchain protocols, allowing users to manage multiple cryptocurrencies effortlessly.


Registration and Onboarding

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Digital Registration and KYCOffers digital registration and Know Your Customer (KYC) functionalities, enabling users to quickly register and comply with regulatory requirements.

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Multi-Currency AccountsSupports multiple cryptocurrencies, allowing users to conveniently manage various types of assets.

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Identity VerificationEnsures secure identity verification mechanisms to protect wallets from unauthorized access.


Collectibles Management

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Loyalty ProgramsProvides revaluable loyalty programs, allowing your users to enjoy exclusive rewards and privileges.

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NFT AirdropEnables easy management and distribution of NFTs through phone numbers.

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NFT Utility ManagementSupports functional management of NFTs, providing effective control over their usage and transactions.


Asset Management

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Portfolio ManagementAssists users in managing their cryptocurrency investment portfolios, tracking the value fluctuations and investment outcomes.

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Quick Swaps and InvestmentsSupports fast cryptocurrency exchanges and investments, allowing users to participate in market opportunities seamlessly.

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Convenient PaymentsOffers convenient cryptocurrency payment functionalities, facilitating everyday cryptocurrency usage.



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DApp BrowserIncorporates a multi-chain DApp browser, enabling users to explore various DApps across different blockchains.

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Marketing and CommunicationProvides market promotion and communication tools to effectively promote your projects and products.

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Market ExchangesConnects to market exchanges, facilitating easy cryptocurrency trading and exchange.



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Verified Contact ChatsEnables secure chat communication with verified contacts.

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Social InteractionsFacilitates social interactions among verified holders of specific projects, fostering exploration and discussions on cryptocurrency projects.

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Enterprise Connections and Official AccountsOffers business partnership connections and official account integration, creating more collaboration opportunities for your enterprise.


Advanced Features

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Real-Time Chat and AssistanceProvides real-time chat and assistance support, ensuring users receive immediate help and answers during their usage.

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Exclusive Promotions and DiscountsOffers exclusive promotional discounts to users, increasing user engagement and loyalty.

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Security ChecksProvides Know Your Audience (KYA) and Know Your Transaction (KYT) security checks, ensuring compliance with global regulatory requirements.

Get Started for Your Success

Our solution not only provides a rich set of features but also offers high customizability to cater to your specific business needs. Our goal is to provide you with a secure, user-friendly, and innovative wallet or DApps that help you succeed in the cryptocurrency space.

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